Thursday, April 07, 2005

The Fans Strike Back

Aku minat Star Wars. Seriously. Walaupun prequels dia lame as fuck tapi still, aku sayang saga ni lebih daripada aku sayang anak-anak aku yang akan lahir kat dunia ni jugak suatu hari nanti. Begitupun, dengan kegilaan aku ni, aku tak pernah paham dengan sikap peminat-peminatnya yang fanatik nak mampus. Maksud aku, yelah, aku bet ramai daripada diorang yang tahu plot filem Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith dari A sampai Z tapi apasal diorang gila-gila babi punya tak sabar nak tengok like ada surprise yang menunggu diorang? Benda ni bukan pertama kali jadi, sebelum-sebelum ni pun sama jugak. Check this shit, tujuh minggu sebelum its release, Star Wars fanatics started lining up outside Grauman’s Chinese Theater for the sixth installment of the popular George Lucas movie series. The vigil began Saturday.

But there’s one fucking problem: Revenge of the Sith won’t be showing at the Hollywood landmark when the movie is released May 19. The studio, 20th Century Fox, opted instead to open the film a mile away at the ArcLight theater.

Still, the psycho Star Wars die-hards aren’t moving on. Beneath a makeshift awning, 11 people refused to relinquish their spots in line.

“We’ve heard all this before,” fan Sarah Sprague said, noting there were plenty of rumors in 1999 and 2002 that previous Star Wars movies weren’t opening at the Chinese Theater. The rumors were false and the films were shown there.

Gilalah! Pergi mampuslah diorang! Kalau aku, baik aku berzikir dengan tasbih di genggaman kat rumah!

"Obi-Wan, have you heard the news about the geeks?"
"Don't center on your anxiety, Anakin. Keep your concentration here and now where it belongs."
"Damn it, I knew you gonna say that! Fuck!"

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